Thursday, January 13, 2011

Pointless Post #6-- Library Books on Sale

Today while my oldest daughter was in school, my younger daughter and I went to the library for a play date. We arrived a little early, so I decided to browse the library gift shop while we were waiting. Although I always knew the gift shop was there, I never went in before--library memorabilia was not high on the list of things I needed. Today, I discovered that they actually SELL a lot of kids' books there---and they are cheap and in really good condition! We bought three Disney books for $0.75 ($0.25 apiece)--those are garage sale prices!

We read a lot in our house and I am always looking for new books--in fact I just bought two new books out of the Target dollar aisle yesterday. Right now, my girls LOVE books and reading--and I want to encourage them to read as much as possible. So whenever I can find a good deal on something NEW to read, I pick it up. The girls each get two books read to them a night. Yes---we will always have our old stand-bys---the books we have already read a thousand times---which I am sure we will read a thousand more times. But having a new book to throw in every once in a while helps to break of the monotony.

I love the library for many reason---free books, great selection, free dvd's, puzzles and games for the girls, story time, and now----book sales! Check out your library---maybe it offers the same thing. It couldn't hurt to ask! :)

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